Can you be successful in internet marketing if your website is poorly designed and you’re using the wrong SEO techniques? Even the most successful internet marketing guru cannot achieve this. To be successful you must have a website that is professionally designed or has a professional look and use all the right SEO techniques. Add to that a solid marketing plan and you have what it takes to be successful in internet marketing.
You need to understand all the right SEO techniques and how to use them. Your website must be attractive and have all the right information about your product or service. Your marketing plan needs to have a solid strategy and you need to stick to that plan like glue. Always know what your next step is going to be. For example, when you are working on web design you should be thinking about what SEO technique you are going to use next.
Research to gain enough knowledge about how you want your site to look, what message you want to send, and what SEO techniques you want to use in the content on your site. There are thousands of internet marketing websites out there; so be sure yours stands out in the crowd while keeping it attractive.
Create a sense of urgency

When writing the content, again keep it professional yet friendly. Use appropriate keywords and keyword phrases for your product or service. You want to attract visitors, so keep the content easy to read and use the keywords in a natural way. Seduce your visitors into becoming customers. Create a sense of urgency in your landing page that makes the visitor want to sign up for your service or buy your product.
Create a sense of trust and reliability in your visitor. Tell them about yourself and how you believe in your product or service… Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. When you use this approach your customers will sense your honesty and integrity. This makes them feel comfortable enough to buy your product or service knowing they will be treated fairly.
Have pages in the right order
When designing your website, never have just one page to your website. Even if you are a small business, create more than one page. Most websites have several pages for products and services, a page describing their company, a page to place orders and a customer service page.
Keep the order page separate and far away from the landing or home page. The best order is – landing or home page, products and services page, order page, and then the customer service page. By keeping the order page away from the landing or home page the customer feels more comfortable and not like they are being pushed to buy. Include on the order page that the customer’s information is kept strictly confidential and never sold. Be sure to include on the customer service page your return policy.