People say that list building is so complicated. That’s why newbies don’t want to do it. But, do you know that list building is actually easy to do? Even newbies can do it and profit from it. So, we have tried to kind of break the whole process into some simple steps. If you want to build a new email list for your online business, here is the checklist to make your job easier:
1. Create your autoresponder materials (about 5 article series)
These autoresponder materials will become your follow up messages that will be sent automatically to your list subscribers after they subscribe to your list. It is important to create a series of emails that is relevant with each other in your autoresponder materials. This is to create a sense of continuity in your mailing list. It will keep your subscribers engaged in your list for a long time. You can create a free course or something similar with your autoresponder materials.
2. Create 10 articles about tips related to your niche
These articles will be delivered to your subscribers’ emails manually. Please note that you need to send these articles in a specific period, not too often and not too rare. Ideally, you should send one article every 2-3 days. Don’t forget that these articles should contain useful tips related to your niche. You can promote your product in the end of each message.
3. Sign up to a good email marketing service
Once you’ve prepared the materials necessary for your mailing list, it’s time for you to sign up to a good email marketing service. The general price for using this service is $20/month, but you’ll usually pay nothing in the first month or just $1. So, it’s your chance to grow your list in the first month and make few sales from it so that you don’t need to spend money for the next month’s fee. There are several email marketing services you can choose: Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, iContact, and so on. Choose according to your need.
4. Create a free product to offer your audience in your niche
The next thing to do is to create a free product that you’ll give to your list subscribers. This is the way you entice them to subscribe. So, just create a good quality free report related to your niche that has about 15-25 pages in it. Make sure that the quality is excellent so that people are enticed to join your list. Also, create a nice ecover for your free report. This will increase the perceived value of your free report.
5. Create a squeeze page and upload it to your website
Now that everything’s ready, you can create a squeeze page and upload it to your website. Again, this should be simple to do. Your squeeze page doesn’t need to be long. You just need to write a compelling headline, simple description, benefits of your free report, and call to action to subscribe. That’s it. Make sure that you have your own website and hosting so that you have full control of your squeeze page. Remember that you’ll drive all the traffic to this page, so you have to make it look as professional as possible.
6. Start driving traffic to your squeeze page
There are many ways you can use to drive traffic to your squeeze page. You can use article marketing, social media marketing, banner advertising, PPC, and so on. Whatever method that you use, be sure to track your progress and expand your traffic building campaign if you see any success with certain method.
7. Send emails to your list regularly
At this point you should already have several people joining your list. This number will keep growing if you keep sending traffic to your squeeze page. Now, since you’ve got some subscribers it’s the time for you to start sending valuable emails to them. Remember that you have to avoid spamming them. Send only emails with useful content in it. In this way, you will keep your subscribers subscribed to your list and minimize your unsubscription rate.
Those are 7 checklists that will make list building easier for you. If you feel that it is difficult for you to build a list, you just need to follow the steps above and you’ll be able to build a good list for your online business. Remember that the money is in the list. So, use this information to your advantage.