It is not always necessary that a website coming up represents a big business or a great upcoming service. As the trend of internet is increasing day by day, people have started to experiment with the services available online. Like PHP coders are uploading their code online to check the output, high school students are making blogs for their computer science project, and wannabe bloggers are trying to figure how things work before they start off with their dream project.
All these examples do not require a large amount of web space or the best web host. Also, mainly the motto behind these is not earning money or being very popular. It is just for trial or educational purposes and people look for some affordable or free web hosting services to carry these out.

Here are some of the best providers of free web hosting services. With these services, you can not only try and test something, but if you have some profitable small project, you can even start that as well.
1. Jimdo
This is a free web hosting service ideal for those who want to have a store online.
Jimdo provides you 500 MB space to upload your files and make your website live.
- You get a free subdomain like and you can even link it to your custom domain.
- You can make your website in minutes using the free collection of designs.
- It allows you to add photo galleries and other dynamic widgets to your website.
- You can even add flash items to your website.
2. 000webhost
000webhost is one of the best free web hosting services because of the amount of space and bandwidth it provides.
With every account, 000webhost allows up to 1.5 GB of storage and 100 GB/Month data transfer.
- In the free plan, it includes 5 email addresses, 1 FTP account, automatic backups, password protected directories, and up to 10 one click script installations.
3. 110mb
110mb is one of the oldest services in this field.
It provides 110 GB monthly data transfer (Bandwidth) and 110 MB storage.
- 110 MB does not support mysql databases and WordPress script installations.
- It can be beneficial for simple HTML or PHP websites that do not require a database.
4. Freewebsites
Freewebsites is another online service providing free hosting service.
It does not provide a free subdomain; so, you have to register a domain for your website and then link that to your website.
- It provides unlimited storage space and bandwidth but size of every individual file should be less than 5 MB.
- The operating system used is Linux for hosting files.
5. Webs
Webs is a very useful service for testing purposes.
It provides 40 MB disk space and 500 MB monthly data transfer.
- It also gives you 1 FTP account so that you can upload your files.
- MySQL databases are not supported. So you can only have some HTML websites hosted on this.
You may also be interested in our pick of best paid hosting services.